Create An Application

How to create a test or live application?

Create an OAuth application

  1. Log in to the Signeasy developer account that you would use as the "master account" for your integration holding all the data and documents. If you do not yet have a Signeasy developer account, you can sign up for a free developer account.

  2. Once you are logged in as a developer, you'd be able to access the API developer portal.

  3. If you're exploring Signeasy APIs and testing it with your test integration, make sure you are in the 'Test Mode'. If you're ready to integrate Signeasy to your live integration, toggle to 'Live Mode'.

  4. Now click on Create App, enter the app details, add the redirect URLs if you are planning to use the authorization code flow, select the required scopes, and click on create to register a new OAuth application with Signeasy.

Once the app is created, you'll be able to find your client_id and client_secret.


Create a new app


OAuth credentials

client_idThis is your oauth app's unique identifier.
client_secretThis is your oauth app's secret key, which will be used to authenticate and authorize your app with Signeasy to generate access tokens. Keep it safe and private. Do not publish it elsewhere.
redirect_urlA list of all authorized redirect URLs that your users can be taken to, once they authorize your app to use their account on their behalf. This is applicable only to the authorization code flow of authorization. For an existing application, you can edit this field by editing the application.