Request Signature voided
This event is fired when the user voids the signature request. This will effectively invalidate the signing links sent to all the signers. It can also contain user-specific metadata (request_info) if it was sent during RS creation.
This event will be useful in updating the statuses of your documents and dashboards.
"expiry_time": 1683033398,
"sources": [
"id": 33299021,
"name": "LP Signing Contract Document",
"type": "original"
"id" 33122312,
"name": "LP Signing Contract Lease Document",
"type": "original"
"token": "1AqZ3DEC4fr@21",
"request_info": {
"name": "Jack",
"required": true,
"id" : 49367567,
"url": "https://localhost:8090"