Request Signature Complete
This event is fired when all the signers in the signature request have signed the document and the signature request is now complete.
The payload contains details of the signing time and the new signed_file_id of the completed document. It can also contain user-specific metadata (request_info) if it was sent during RS creation. Use this signed_file_id to fetch/download the document using the download documents and audit trail endpoint.
Note that this signed file belongs to the sender's account.
"expiry_time": 1683033398,
"sources": [
"id": 33299021,
"name": "LP Signing Contract Document",
"type": "original"
"id" 33122312,
"name": "LP Signing Contract Lease Document",
"type": "original"
"token": "1AqZ3DEC4fr@21",
"request_info": {
"name": "Jack",
"required": true,
"id" : 49367567,
"url": "https://localhost:8090"